1GoodMan509779warrior fighter assassin was a Human Fighter Assassin who Threw a Rock so erratically at the Best of Swords competition that it Struck Down the Baroness who was watching from the stands. warrior fighter assassin's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 36 years , 2 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Although triumphant, there were some casualties. Duhon GoldHero was killed when the warrior fighter assassin blasted His in the Torso with Unholy Light. Notable Exploits: 15 quests completed. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Gnome Thief on the 5th floor. Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 10551 gold coins and finished with a stash of 10451 still left over. Score: 509779
2GoodMan424665mobster half elf fighter mage was a Half-Elf Fighter Assassin who Accidentally Kneed the King in the Head while drunk at the Smelly Cauldron Inn. mobster half elf fighter mage's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 34 years , 4 months , 3 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Although triumphant, there were some casualties. mobster half elf's Pet died when Zombie Rot caused Her Torso to stop functioning. Notable Exploits: 12 quests completed. Rescued a Gnome Mage on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 9646 gold coins and finished with a stash of 9646 still left over. Score: 424665
3GoodMan399828Hooligan human fighter mage was a Human Fighter Assassin who Threw a Spear so erratically at the Strongest Fighter competition that it Maimed the King who was watching from the stands. Hooligan human fighter mage's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 36 years , 4 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in Hooligan human fighter mage's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 11 quests completed. Rescued a Half-Elf Druid on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Dwarf Mage on the 5th floor. Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 6756 gold coins and finished with a stash of 6571 still left over. Score: 399828
4GoodMan398967hitman halfling adventurer assassin was a Halfling Adventurer Assassin who collected artifacts from the forbidden Battle of Sure Death ossuary. hitman halfling adventurer assassin's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 34 years , 1 day before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in hitman halfling adventurer assassin's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 15 quests completed. Rescued a Faerie Mage on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Elf Mage on the 5th floor. Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 10453 gold coins and finished with a stash of 10453 still left over. Score: 398967
5GoodMan378228warrior goblin fighter assassin was a Goblin Fighter Assassin who Threw a Dagger so erratically at the Best of Swords competition that it Knocked Out the Duchess who was watching from the stands. warrior goblin fighter assassin's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 30 years , 11 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Although triumphant, there were some casualties. warrior goblin's Pet was killed when a Corpse-Web Spider mortally wounded Him. Notable Exploits: 13 quests completed. Rescued a Orc Necromancer on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Kobold Thief on the 5th floor. Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 10295 gold coins and finished with a stash of 10295 still left over. Score: 378228
6GoodMan378195warrior elf fighter bard was an Elf Fighter Bard who Guarded a Peasant from the Repulsive King's guards. warrior elf fighter bard's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 28 years , 3 months , 5 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Although triumphant, there were some casualties. mage died when Poison caused Her Torso to stop functioning. necro was killed when a Corpse-Web Spider mangled Her Head with Her useless Large Poisonous Poisonous Bite. Notable Exploits: 15 quests completed. Rescued a Elf Necromancer on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Elf Necromancer on the 5th floor. Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 10713 gold coins and finished with a stash of 10682 still left over. Score: 378195
7GoodMan264860Ruffian half orc fighter assassin was a Half-Orc Fighter Assassin who Threw a Javelin so erratically at the Strongest Fighter competition that it Knocked Out the King who was watching from the stands. Ruffian half orc fighter assassin's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 66 years , 2 months , 12 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in Ruffian half orc fighter assassin's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 15 quests completed. Rescued a Ogre Barbarian on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Half-Orc Adventurer on the 5th floor. Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 9534 gold coins and finished with a stash of 9270 still left over. Score: 264860
8austen221052Hookrin Hellfire was a Goblin Fighter who Protected a Servant from the Unpleasant Baron's guards. Hookrin Hellfire's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 10 years , 5 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in Hookrin Hellfire's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 14 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Faerie Mage on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Faerie Mage on the 5th floor. Cleared the menace guarding the Old Mine-Works. Defeated a Drake!Averted catastrophy.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 7962 gold coins and finished with a stash of 7773 still left over. Score: 221052
9bryant walker218882GRIPHOOK was a Goblin Shaman Necromancer who was unable to heal the tribal chief's mortal injuries with dungwort and Hedgehog innards. GRIPHOOK's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 6 years , 2 months , 5 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in GRIPHOOK's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 13 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Goblin Thief on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Goblin Fighter on the 5th floor. Cleared the menace guarding the Old Mine-Works. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 7046 gold coins and finished with a stash of 6853 still left over. Score: 218882
10austen175010zade hellfire was a Faerie Healer who Constantly mixed up Cure Disease and Harm at the Battle of Ages. zade hellfire's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 8 years , 2 months , 6 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in zade hellfire's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 13 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Human Barbarian on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Human Barbarian on the 5th floor. Cleared the menace guarding the Old Mine-Works. Defeated a Drake!Averted catastrophy.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 7328 gold coins and finished with a stash of 6647 still left over. Score: 175010
11austen169948Raiden skywind was a Gnome Monk Wanderer who was caught teaching passive resistance to a group of Slaves. Raiden skywind's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 8 years , 1 month, 17 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Although triumphant, there were some casualties. storm was killed when the Lich blasted Her with Blizzard. cadence was killed when a Drake mortally wounded Her. Notable Exploits: 16 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Half-Elf Bard on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Half-Elf Monk on the 5th floor. Cleared the menace guarding the Old Mine-Works. Defeated a Drake!Averted catastrophy.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 8618 gold coins and finished with a stash of 8348 still left over. Score: 169948
12bryant walker168808fairy god mother was a Faerie Mage Healer who Defeated the Baroness in a battle of wits in front of patrons at the Black Wolf Tavern while heavily intoxicated. fairy god mother's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 6 years , 10 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in fairy god mother's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 17 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Halfling Bard on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Elf Thief on the 5th floor. Cleared the menace guarding the Old Mine-Works. Defeated a Drake!Averted catastrophy.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 8259 gold coins and finished with a stash of 8116 still left over. Score: 168808
13Kane166686dooda day was a Goblin Fighter Assassin who Threw a Sword so erratically at the Best of Throws competition that it Killed the Queen who was watching from the stands. dooda day's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 4 years , 5 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in dooda day's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 19 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Kobold Trickster on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Kobold Thief on the 5th floor. Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold.Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 9073 gold coins and finished with a stash of 8353 still left over. Score: 166686
14Shermanator166000Tiny the Giant was a Goblin Necromancer Shaman who raised the centuries old Baroness as a personal slave and door guard. Tiny the Giant's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 5 years , 2 months , 10 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in Tiny the Giant's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 17 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Kobold Trickster on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Kobold Trickster on the 5th floor. Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 371621 gold coins and finished with a stash of 370301 still left over. Score: 166000
15bryant walker163686Cilat was a Dire Bat Healer who Was caught healing a Vassal against the Queen's wishes. Cilat's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 6 years , 15 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in Cilat's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 14 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Gnome Trickster on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Human Thief on the 5th floor. Cleared the menace guarding the Old Mine-Works. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Prevailed in the hall of illusions.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 7618 gold coins and finished with a stash of 7591 still left over. Score: 163686
16bryant walker159994flutter was a Faerie Mage Trickster who Defeated the Queen in a battle of wits in front of patrons at the Grubbly Grog Tavern while heavily intoxicated. flutter's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 5 years , 3 months , 5 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in flutter's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 14 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Halfling Fighter on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Gnome Adventurer on the 5th floor. Cleared the menace guarding the Old Mine-Works. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 7335 gold coins and finished with a stash of 6992 still left over. Score: 159994
17rooroo148186Mezth Skullcrusher was a Goblin Fighter Assassin who Threw a Hammer so erratically at the Best of Throws competition that it Knocked Out the Princess who was watching from the stands. Mezth Skullcrusher's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 4 years , 3 months , 4 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in Mezth Skullcrusher's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 16 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Ratkin Barbarian on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Ogre Barbarian on the 5th floor. Cleared the menace guarding the Old Mine-Works. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 96915 gold coins and finished with a stash of 96784 still left over. Score: 148186
18bryant walker145438johny was a Faerie Trickster who summoned a few Malignant Frogs into the royal banquet hall. johny's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 5 years , 1 month, 3 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in johny's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 15 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Gnome Adventurer on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Dwarf Mage on the 5th floor. Cleared the menace guarding the Old Mine-Works. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Prevailed in the hall of illusions.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 7820 gold coins and finished with a stash of 7603 still left over. Score: 145438
19food137870Gohth was a Faerie Trickster Healer who charmed the Duchess into falling in love with the Kingdom of Swords's King. Gohth's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 6 years , 1 month, 7 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in Gohth's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 15 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Half-Elf Bard on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Gnome Thief on the 5th floor. Cleared the menace guarding the Old Mine-Works. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Prevailed in the hall of illusions.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 6262 gold coins and finished with a stash of 6262 still left over. Score: 137870
20bryant walker135466flutter was a Faerie Trickster who charmed the Princess into falling in love with the Kingdom of Wonder's Duchess. flutter's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 5 years , 12 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Although triumphant, there were some casualties. Mapmon SilverProtector was killed when the Midel RedSword crushed His Head with a good Large Copper maul. Notable Exploits: 16 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Elf Mage on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Dwarf Fighter on the 5th floor. Cleared the menace guarding the Old Mine-Works. Defeated a Drake!Averted catastrophy.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 5856 gold coins and finished with a stash of 5856 still left over. Score: 135466
21Shermanator133926Half Ass was a Half-Elf Bard Mage who failed to embellish the Duke's exploits at the Battle of Fire Hill enough. Half Ass's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 5 years , 2 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in Half Ass's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 15 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Dwarf Barbarian on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Faerie Healer on the 5th floor. Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 39212 gold coins and finished with a stash of 38221 still left over. Score: 133926
22Shermanator127658Blinky was a Half-Elf Fortune Teller Mage who Inaccurately predicted a landslide victory at the Battle of Cross Canyon. Blinky's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 4 years , 2 months , 11 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in Blinky's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 15 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Faerie Mage on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Halfling Fighter on the 5th floor. Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 34479 gold coins and finished with a stash of 33263 still left over. Score: 127658
23bryant walker119384GRIPHOOK was a Goblin Thief who Was caught stealing a cerimonial sword from the King's chambers. GRIPHOOK's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 5 years , 2 months , 5 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in GRIPHOOK's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 13 quests completed. Bravely accepted the consequences of every action! Rescued a Goblin Fighter on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Orc Necromancer on the 5th floor. Cleared the menace guarding the Old Mine-Works. Defeated a Drake!Averted catastrophy.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 4903 gold coins and finished with a stash of 4738 still left over. Score: 119384
24GoodMan111086warrior goblin fighter assassin was a Goblin Fighter Assassin who Protected a Beggar from the Unpleasant Duchess's guards. warrior goblin fighter assassin's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 13 years , 0 day before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Although triumphant, there were some casualties. warrior goblin's Pet was killed when the warrior goblin fighter assassin blasted Her in the Torso with Unholy Light. Xicel CragMountain was killed when the warrior goblin fighter assassin blasted Him with Unholy Light. my mage was killed when the Tenman StrongSteel mortally wounded Him. Notable Exploits: 15 quests completed. Rescued a Goblin Assassin on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Orc Mage on the 5th floor. Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Stomped all over Ogmok's greatest strategy.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 8316 gold coins and finished with a stash of 8123 still left over. Score: 111086
25GoodMan108682Hooligan elf fighter druid was an Elf Fighter Druid who Accidentally Punched the King in the Face while drunk at the Grubbly Grog Brewery. Hooligan elf fighter druid's party wandered the dungeon's halls for 18 years , 4 months , 6 days before somehow escaping to the lower floors. Against all odds, everyone in Hooligan elf fighter druid's party survived the ordeal! Notable Exploits: 15 quests completed. Rescued a Faerie Trickster on the 2nd floor. Defended a town's gates from sure breach.Rescued a Faerie Healer on the 5th floor. Broke through the royals ruling the Goblin Stronghold. Defeated a Drake!Freed the souls of the last army.Prevailed in the hall of illusions.Discovered the gates of Alyssandria.Escaped the dungeon! Handled a total of 9897 gold coins and finished with a stash of 9896 still left over. Score: 108682